Many organizations are looking forward to implement flexible work option for certain functions of their operation, according to
Forbes ‘5 Rising Industries Offering Jobs With Flexible Work Options’, following
are few of them.
Engineering & IT – they have introduced flexible working options for some roles such as design engineer and architect. (Guppta, 2016)
Engineering & IT – they have introduced flexible working options for some roles such as design engineer and architect. (Guppta, 2016)
Project Management (Guppta, 2016) – roles such as
project coordinator can be done remotely.
Marketing & Communication (Guppta, 2016) – roles such as
customer care assistant, online marketing officer, cold call assistant are most
suitable to be done remotely and the companies are willing to hire most
suitable talent (Guppta, 2016) from all over the world.
Travel & Hospitality – name itself says
the flexibility travel and work, roles such as travel guide is highly
recommended to work from anywhere. (Guppta, 2016)
How successful is flexible work option?
According to a report of Employers group on
Workplace Flexibility (EWF), following are some of the key benefits that they
could achieve by flexible work option.
Increased Employee Productivity (Future of Work
Institute, n.d.)
– This happens due to the job satisfaction, employees feel free to give their
maximum to complete the work.
Improved Customer Service (Future of Work
Institute, n.d.)
– When an employee can work from anywhere, he/she can respond to a customer
anytime from anywhere.
Reduced Infrastructure Cost – cost of
providing an attractive office space will be minimalized. (Future of Work Institute,
Reduced Employee Turnover – it easy to
retain an employee when they have the flexible work option (Future of Work Institute, n.d.), thus an
organization can assure the retention of their talents.
Culture & Flexible Work Option
Even though flexible work option reduces
the employee turnover and absenteeism, it has a correlation with the national
culture and the organizational trend, some employees who are recruited with
flexible work option are less likely to abide by the organizational values and
the culture. (Peretz, et al.,
So it is recommended to consider the
cultural fit before considering the flexible work option (Peretz, et al., 2017), people who are
conscientious will be most appropriate for implementing flexible work option.
Future of Work Institute, n.d. The
Benefits of Flexible Working Arrangements, London: Hot Spots Movement.
K., 2016. 5 Rising Industries Offering Jobs With Flexible Work Options. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 May 2019].
Available at:
[Accessed 16 May 2019].
H., Fried, Y. & Levi, A., 2017. Flexible work arrangements, national
culture, organisational characteristics, and organisational outcomes: A study
across 21 countries. Human Resource Management Journal, 28(1), pp.
More industries are moving to different alternatives remote jobs. many job seekers nowadays prefer flexible work options. work from home and job sharing are also some other flexible job types that are in demand nowadays. Although not suited for many job roles, there are certain jobs that can utilize maximum benefits by following flexible work options.