Personnel Management
Personnel Management was the traditional way of managing the
workforce, in the early days before human resource management, personnel
management was the term used for how to manage the people in an organization.
In personnel management employees are considered as a cost to the organization
and they were dealt as a tool for the organization’s operation (Surbhi, 2018).
Human Resource
HRM has a wider view of how to manage people and it was
evolved from personnel management to fulfill the short comings of PM (Surbhi, 2018), which accounts
people as resources and HRM is improved version of PM in treating people well by
understanding the benefits of doing so and HRM plays a main role in strategic planning
of the organization (Armstrong, 2006).
According to Armstrong (2006), below are the similarities
and differences between Personnel Management & HRM
Similarities Between PM & HRM
Differences Between PM & HRM
Personnel Management Strategies &
HRM Strategies are part of business strategies
HR Specialist are considered as
business partners not just as managers
Line managers are in charge for
managing their subordinates while getting the support from the upper
HRM considers line managers as HR
policy implementers as well
Similar in training people to get
their maximum, which benefits both the people and the organization and
respecting people by considering their needs
HRM gives more importance to managing
organizational culture and commitments
Mainly focussed on finding out the
best fit for the organization's need and training and placing them for the
suitable positions
HRM focuses more on strategic fit and
integration as well
Similar techniques are used in
selection process, performance management, training and rewarding
HRM considers employees as a
resource/asset not as a cost
And I have distinguished Strategic HRM and HRM in one of my
previous blog posts (What
is Strategic Human Resource Management?), there you can see that SHRM is
evolved from HRM and SHRM has wider view regarding the organization’s goals and
objectives so it is clear that SHRM evolved from HRM and HRM evolved from
Personnel Management. Even though people and their behaviours are almost stay
rigid, concepts and way of managing people changes/evolves time to time.
Armstrong, M., 2006. A
Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan
Page Limited.
Surbhi, 2018. Difference Between Personnel
Management and Human Resource Management. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 June 2019].
Available at:
[Accessed 11 June 2019].
now a days most of companies are practicing the difference between PM and HRM. better results are coming to the organization with this practises nice right up